Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God
-Romans 15:7

✟ about me! ✟

hello! I'm Casper, and I'm just your friendly internet angel! I've been browsing online for quite a long time! (~10+ years!!) I love to draw, and I've been doing it since I could pick up a drawing implement, and I've been doing digital art since I've been 5!I have been a born again Christian in the Episcopal Denomination since 10/15/23✟ !I don't really have a "DNI" per se, I don't like taking part in fandom discourse and it's already extremely tiring being on social media to begin with @_@ if I do end up blocking you, please don't take it too personally, I block liberally to protect myself (and maybe you if I determine that I fall under your DNI.)